Pioneering Solutions for
Environmental Impact

Quantifying carbon as the first step towards decarbonization for products, systems and buildings.

What We Do

Product LCAs & EPDs

Product LCAs & EPDs

Conducting life cycle assessments & developing environmental product declarations for products.​

carbon credits

Carbon Credits​

Feasibility check, ROI estimations and project development for Verra and Gold Standards.​

System LCAs

System LCAs

Conducting LCAs to quantify environmental impacts, avoided emissions, carbon storage for systems.

Building Lca

Building LCA

Evaluation of annual or life cycle carbon footprint of building as per international standards.​

Product Certifications

Product Certifications

Assistance with Type 1 ecolabels and certifications like GreenPro, GRIHA, ISSC and others.​

Building Certifications

Building Certfications

Design and documentation for IGBC, GRIHA or LEED certifications for buildings.​


What Do They Say