Evaluating Carbon Footprint for Bliss Pads Manufactured by Green Delight Innovations

Evaluating Carbon Footprint for Bliss Pads Manufactured by Green Delight Innovations

Tanya Sharma

Menstrual hygiene products are essential for millions of individuals worldwide. Concerns over their environmental impact have prompted a search for more sustainable alternatives. Green Delight Innovations Private Limited has introduced Bliss Pads, a menstrual product crafted from Kenaf fibres to minimize environmental harm in response to this need. Green Delight uses two packaging options for different packaging requirements: paper boxes for specific package sizes and low-density polyethene (LDPE) covers for others

Monk Spaces conducted a comprehensive life cycle assessment (LCA) to quantify the environmental impacts of Bliss Natural Sanitary Napkins. The study analyzed the effects of both packaging types. The study followed ISO 14040 and 14044 standards and PCR 2011:14 – Absorbent Hygiene Products per the International EPD System requirements. The LCA examined the entire life cycle of Bliss Pads, from raw material extraction to end-of-life disposal (as seen in thefigure). The system boundary encompassed upstream processes (A1) like collecting agricultural waste, producing raw materials, and packaging inputs. It also included core processes like transportation (A2) activities and manufacturing (A3) with energy consumption and waste generation. Finally, the downstream processes covered the transportation (C2), recycling, and incineration phases (C4). The environmental impact indicators assessed, as per the requirements of PCR 2011:14, included global warming potential, acidification, eutrophication, ozone depletion, and resource depletion.

The assessment methodically quantified impacts across all life cycle stages, identifying key performance indicators and potential reduction mechanisms. Detailed data was collected on material and energy flows, emissions, waste, and other environmental aspects from Green Delight’s manufacturing facilities. Bliss Pads has manufacturing operations in one location and packaging operations in another. Considering the separate locations, this ensured a comprehensive analysis of environmental impacts across the core processes (transportation and manufacturing).

The LCA interpretations encompass several vital components. Foremostly, it involves identifying hotspots and issues by analyzing the LCA results. For Bliss Pads, the critical aspects identified were electricity consumed and biogenic carbon stored due to using Kenaf fibres and fluff pulp as raw materials.

Secondly, the LCA conducts a comparative assessment. The assessment benchmarks the environmental performance of Bliss Pads against other menstrual product alternatives available in Indian and global markets. The comparative assessment used two functional units. Prior, on a per-product basis, the emissions of one Bliss Pad were compared with one unit of other single-use products. Lately, on an annual usage basis, the emissions were extrapolated for an estimated annual usage of single-use products, compared with the annual emissions of reusable products like menstrual cups and reusable pads. The carbon footprints of other commercially available menstrual products, both single-use and reusable, were collected from published research studies and reports. This included data for conventional pads, organic pads, tampons, menstrual cups, and reusable pads from India, Europe, and other regions.

Thirdly, the possibility of reducing emissions was tested through some scenarios. The scenarios included change in the place of packaging, switching to rooftop panels, and avoiding fossil fuel consumption. Monk Spaces identified critical areas for improvement and provided recommendations to reduce the environmental impacts of Bliss Pads. The recommended strategies for decarbonization focused on the optimization and transitioning of resources.

Finally, the evaluation considered various factors such as completeness, sensitivity, and consistency checks to ensure the integrity and reliability of the assessments. Green Delight can leverage these LCA insights to enhance the environmental sustainability of its products. Exploring innovative product designs and manufacturing processes through industry collaboration can be instrumental in market growth. The insights can help to position Green Delight as a leader in the menstrual product market.

Conducting LCAs and Developing an EPD for Veer Plastics

Veer Plastics - Construction Products (Roofing Underlayment, Building Wrap & Flashing Tape)

Conducting LCAs and Developing an EPD for Veer Plastics

Anuja R

Veer Plastics Pvt Ltd manufactures various plastic-based materials, including Roofing Underlayment, Building Wraps, Flashing Tapes, and FIBC bags. Veer Plastics enlisted Monk Spaces to conduct a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and develop an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) to meet export requirements and adopt environmental transparency. The assessments were conducted per ISO 14040 and ISO 14044.

Conducting these assessments for Veer Plastics involved the following steps:

  1. PCR Identification – The assessment begins with identifying UN Central Product Classification (CPC) codes and Product Category Rules (PCR) for the products. The International EPD System develops the PCRs and defines mandatory requirements for system boundaries and impact indicators. The PCR 2019:14 for construction products requires the declaration of modules for manufacturing (A1-A3), end-of-life (C1-C4), and benefits (D). Meanwhile, FIBC bags were assessed as per PCR 2019:13 – Packaging, which mandates declaration of production (A1-A3), forming (A4-A5) and end-of-life (C1-C3) stages. These mandated modules established clear boundaries for data collection across various stages of the product lifecycle.
  2. Data collection – Based on requirements defined by both PCRs, a comprehensive data sheet was developed for the manufacturer’s convenience. It encompasses raw materials procurement, transportation, annual production, energy sources, waste generation and recycling details for all products. The comprehensive sheet simplified the data collection process and reduced the time required.
  3. Conducting LCA – Once the data was collected, separate LCAs were prepared: one for the three construction products and another for the FIBC bag. The environmental impacts are quantified using One Click LCA and Ecoinvent database across core categories, natural resources, waste, and output flows. These quantitative findings are then integrated into the LCA reports, and recommendations for both reports are made separately.
  4. EPD Development – The three construction products are averaged into one product to publish an EPD. This averaging was possible because of similarities in the three products’ raw material composition and manufacturing processes. The LCA results and other information for the average representative construction product are compiled for the EPD. The EPD compiled follows the declaration requirements of PCR 2019:14, EN 15804:A2 and General Programme Instructions from the International EPD System.
  5. EPD Verification – The EPD underwent third-party verification by an accredited verifier associated with the International EPD System. Wherever required, modifications were made as per the verifier’s feedback. Effective coordination with the verifier ensured comprehensive responses to all queries and timely provision of clarifications.
  6. EPD Publication – Upon verifier approval, the EPD is uploaded onto the portal of the International EPD system along with product information, result templates, LCA report and verification statement. After approval from the EPD secretariat, the EPD was published titled “Construction Products (Roofing Underlayment, Building Wrap & Flashing Tape)“.

Accounting Carbon for Hydroponic Systems with Hydrogreens

Hydrogreens Kambali

Accounting Carbon for Hydroponic Systems with Hydrogreens

Tanya Sharma

India faces the dual challenges of a booming cattle population and land available for fodder production. Hydrogreens has developed an innovative hydroponic system called Kambali to address the issue. The Kambali modules are microclimate-controlled “grow houses” designed to enable year-round fodder cultivation in a minimal footprint. This system offers a potential solution to increase fodder yields while minimising environmental impacts.

Monk Spaces conducted a life cycle assessment (LCA) to evaluate the environmental performance of the Kambali system. This assessment showcases that agricultural products and systems can ensure environmental transparency by conducting an LCA. LCA considered all the stages of a product’s life. It was carried out per the requirements of ISO 14040 and ISO 14044. A comprehensive range of environmental impact indicators, such as global warming potential, acidification potential, resource depletion potential, and water deprivation potential, among others, were assessed. Evaluating water deprivation and eutrophication potential was particularly crucial. Assessing these factors is vital because water scarcity and nutrient pollution can have severe consequences for ecosystems and undermine the sustainability of agricultural practices.

The study examined multiple Kambali configurations – the basic V1 and V2 modules, versions equipped with solar panels, and a larger-scale “fodder station” comprised of V2 modules operating together. The system boundary for the LCA included the different life cycle stages of the modules, from raw material extraction (A1) to disposal/landfilling at the end of life (C4). The functional unit chosen for the LCA study was 1 module of the fodder production system. This unit allowed for a comprehensive assessment of impacts associated with a single unit of the overall operation.

A key performance indicator (KPI) of “per kg of fodder grown” was then used to evaluate the environmental impacts concerning the system’s productivity and yield efficiency. The KPI  enables the analysis of the total effects and benchmarking of the ecological intensity linked to the amount of fodder produced. The study compared the modules under different conditions. It assessed options like growing maise instead of wheat fodder and using bamboo for construction instead of conventional materials. It also considered the deployment of the module in different regions across India and using solar panels.

The results were further analysed to identify the most significant contributors to the environmental impact. Relationship between module characteristics, such as the number of trays, and their associated environmental impacts were identified. These relationships enabled the estimation of the implications for future Kambali module configurations that Hydrogreens may develop.   

The LCA involved a comparative analysis of the environmental performance of the Kambali modules against conventional fodder production practices. Factors like irrigation requirements, fossil fuel use, and land use impacts were considered for the conventional methods. The study quantified the benefits of using the Kambali modules, such as reduced greenhouse gas emissions (GWP-biogenic and GWP-fossil) and resource savings (fossil fuels and water) compared to conventional practices.   

Based on the LCA findings, recommendations were provided for further reducing the environmental impacts associated with the Kambali hydroponic fodder system. The study established a methodology for estimating the impacts of future module configurations, enabling Hydrogreens to assess the environmental implications of their product development efforts. As vertical farming and other agricultural innovations continue emerging, comprehensive LCAs will guide responsible development and large-scale deployment.

Evaluating Environmental Impacts for Readycomb Panels by Hedrad

Hedrad Kraft Paper Honeycomb Panels

Evaluating Environmental Impacts for Readycomb Panels by Hedrad

Anuja R

Hedrad upcycles Kraft paper into honeycomb panels called Readycomb. These panels are sandwiched into various finishes like cement boards, glass, mild steel and fabrics to create replacements for walling materials. Hedrad partnered with Monk Spaces for a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to quantify the environmental impacts of their products. This assessment adhered to ISO 14040, ISO 14044, and EN 15804+A2 standards, providing detailed evaluations of environmental impacts.

The assessment followed the requirements of PCR 2019:14 – Construction products defined by the International EPD System. As per these requirements, the LCA covered mandated stages of the life cycle – manufacturing (A1-A3), end-of-life (C1-C4), and benefits (D). The PCR also defined requirements for impact indicators that include global warming potential, abiotic depletion potential, water deprivation potential and others. Once the requirements were defined, a custom input sheet was prepared based on Hedrad’s product variants and manufacturing processes. This sheet included quantities for raw material procurement, transportation, production, wastage and energy consumption.

After data collection from Hedrad, the life cycle impacts were estimated using One Click LCA and secondary data from Ecoinvent. The estimated results were documented as a LCA report. The LCA report provides detailed explanations of this impact quantification. Key performance indicators (KPIs) were identified across product life cycle stages. The assessment also identified which phases or materials contributed most to the environmental impact.

Comparative analyses were conducted, including product-based and project-based comparisons. The product-based comparisons evaluated the environmental impact of the Hedrad panels against conventional materials using specific Indian data. These conventional materials included various bricks, ready-mix concrete, aluminium partitions, insulation panels, etc. The project-based comparisons evaluated business-as-usual scenarios of wall assemblies compared with Honeycomb panels’ assemblies. These were done for 1sqm of internal and external walls.

The assessment concluded with recommendations for decarbonization and checks on completeness, sensitivity and consistency. The assessment results also help Hedrad make stronger pitches, optimize supply chains, and develop new product variants.

Developing EPDs for the Sharjah Cement Factory

Developing EPDs for the Sharjah Cement Factory

Anuja R

Sharjah Cement Factory (SCF), a prominent player in the cement manufacturing industry, specialises in producing different grades of cement. These grades include Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC), Oil Well Cement (OWC), Blast Furnace Cement (CEM), and Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag (GGBS). SCF is ensuring environmental transparency for its product range by publishing Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs). Monk Spaces conducted a comprehensive Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and developed the EPDs to ensure this transparency.

The process of publishing EPDs on the International EPD System for the Sharjah Cement Factory involved the following steps:

  • PCR Identification – We identified the Product Category Rules (PCR) and UN CPC codes for all SCF’s products. The PCR defines the requirements of the EPD regarding the system boundary and impact indicators. Understanding these requirements is necessary to ensure efficiency in the data collection process.
  • Data Collection – The first step in conducting an LCA is the data collection. For this, Monk Spaces created an expansive input sheet where the SCF team could fill in data regarding raw material sourcing, consumption, wastage and other parameters.
  • Conducting LCA – Once the data is collected, Monk Spaces conducted the assessment in compliance with internationally recognised standards ISO 14040 and ISO 14044. This assessment quantified all environmental impacts in core environmental impact categories (as per EN15804+A2), natural resource use parameters, waste categories parameters and output flows. The LCA also recognised critical contributors to the environmental impacts and suggested measures for reduction.
  • Compiling EPD – After the LCA is completed, we compile the EPD using the results of the LCA and general information about the products. This compiled report follows the declaration requirements set by the selected PCR (2019:14-c-PCR-001) and General Programme Instructions established by the International EPD System.
  • Verification – The compiled LCA and EPD reports are then sent for third-party verification to an independent verified accredited by the International EPD System. Monk Spaces then coordinated with the verifier to answer all queries and provide clarifications. Any modifications required by the verifier were also made.
  • Registration and Publication – After approval from the verifier, the EPDs are registered and published on the International EPPD System. Monk Spaces facilitated registration by uploading all documents, templates and data the portal requires.

The 8 EPDs developed for SCF are shown at the links below:

Unveiling LCA’s Iterative Essence: A Practical Perspective

Unveiling LCA's Iterative Essence: A Practical Perspective

Nusrath Jahan NA

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) quantifies the environmental impact of a product across a product’s life stages. It achieves this by assessing the supply chain and manufacturing process regarding energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, water usage, and resource depletion. The integrity of this process is dependent on the quality of primary and secondary data.  

At Monk Spaces, LCAs are conducted for various industries and scales. While these assessments don’t inherently require iterations, refining data improves the model’s reliability, ensuring the environmental impact’s accuracy. Iterative cycles incorporate updated data and methodologies, enhancing assessment robustness. Stakeholder feedback integration through iterations supports informed decision-making and sustainable practices.

For our LCA practitioners, utilising version tracking systems is critical in this iterative journey. Our practitioners use these version trackers to meticulously document all revisions. These systems enable us to maintain a transparent and organised revisions record, ensuring our findings’ integrity and reliability. They also make it easy to identify key contributors and simplify sensitivity studies.

Our version trackers have recently shown iterative studies causing increases and decreases in environmental impacts.

  • Our recent LCA study with Company A observed a significant shift in their product’s carbon footprint from 358 to 929 kgCO2e (2.5 times increase). This was primarily due to the expansion of the product system, which made the system assessment more comprehensive.
  • When collaborating with company B, results changed from 867 to 761 kgCO2e (12% reduction) for one product. Another product changed from 522 to 157 kgCO2e (70% reduction). Changes were due to inaccuracies in the raw material composition and energy mix. Variations in production processes, cutoff rules, and energy sources also influenced the outcomes.

The iterative nature of LCA isn’t just about accuracy; it embodies a continuous pursuit of sustainability excellence. By refining our methods, we ensure the results we deliver lead to informed decisions with lasting positive impact. This commitment to collaboration, innovation, and rigorous analysis positions LCA as a powerful tool to propel us towards a more sustainable future.